Alacak Takip Program
Hi all, The main objective debts - receivables and safe (budget) to make follow-up of these programs have been providing our valued users. This application is simple and safe in the sense that will take is a program which follows. You can keep your income and expenses denominated in Box. Contacts from the phone book or you can manually add them. When you enter the contact details of the person receivables and payables can add records. The input can optionally encrypted.
Through years of working in the record can be saved from the crowd. Program back up where you left off on another device can continue. As a result, balances related to safe and your contacts can view and manage them. ALTINPULLUK Policy v 2.8.3: - Visual certain changes were made. Some bugs were fixed. V 2.8.2: - Opening the screen to show the amounts in the safe list, some phone problem has been fixed. V 2.8.1: - Was offered the opportunity to enter the installments.
Excel extraction process was developed. Two more reports such as date range motion was offered. Added ask for confirmation of the deletion. Passive moved to the bottom of the contact list. Some added ease of use.
Dilerseniz odeme gunlerine gore tum borc lu veya alacak li musterilerin dokumunu bir tusa basarak alabilirsiniz. Musterilerinizin borc-alacak hesaplarini kolayca takip etmek istiyorsaniz bu program tam size gore. Ozellikleri: Musteri hesabi ekleme, duzenleme, silme Satis, tahsilat, alis, odeme hareketleri, kaydetme Musteri hesap ekstresi alabilme. Alacak Verecek Takip Pro. Mission Profile Of An Aircraft. Microdestek Kolayy. Car Key Programmer. Program Directx 10.
V 2.7.1: - Fixed incorrect warning email address to send. V 2.7: - Added automatic backup - Advanced search option was - Home screen, safe movements adding, editing and deleting added v 2.6: - Movement and Body details added in the search. Backup process has been made faster. Total Income and Expense added to the Home screen. V 2.5: - Excel has added a feature for superimposing v 2.4: - Added the ability to copy an account.
When sending e-mail field is added into the balance. Movement of the order date Sort by newest to oldest, or oldest to newest feature added. Any current with the added capability of active or passive. For those who forgot password 'Security Question' was added. V 2.3: - Menu button, the menu button on devices that are not added to the program.
Alacak Takip Program English
V 2.2: - Added the ability to enter the batch record. History did not take into account when ranking corrected time. Safe deposit boxes falling from the description of the movements to come together with the name of the customer was provided. Added the ability to add phone numbers to contacts. V 2.1: More detailed than the previous version and a safe that can be monitored will find many new features in this new version. In previous versions, especially on color and font size for suffering in this version features optional added color and font size.
Aras Kargo Takip Sorgulama
In addition, the return of backup and backup, encrypted login, added in some features, such as year of study. V 1.4: Increased the number of errors that occur when the person has been corrected. Gross added to the main page. V 1.3: In this version will borrow records were offered the opportunity to dispose of e-mail. V 1.2: Added the ability to add contacts from the phone book. Backuptrans review. Key words: Payable, Accounts Receivable, Accounting, accounting program, personal account, current account, cash tracking, account books, revenues, expenditures, expenses, revenues and expense tracking, finance, budget, mobile budget, budget tracking, hidden directory.