Build Yagi Antenna Wifi Diy

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To build a low-cost WiFi antenna, you'll need a USB WiFi adapter, a USB extension cable, and a dish-shaped piece of metal cookware. First, connect the USB WiFi adapter and USB extension cable. Then, attach them to the inside of the metal cookware using twist-ties, tape, or hot glue. Next, plug the antenna into your computer using the extension.

Mostly these antenna are a waste of time to try to build you will get little or no advantage especially when you build them out of junk. How you connect them is the major flaw in the theory you can build your own antennas. First if that card is inside your laptop then you have no chance. Otherwise first you need a u.fl to?

Jumper cable. Then you need a piece of lmr400 microwave grade antenna cable. You will likely lose any increase in signal in the cable and the cables will likely cost you at least $15 and that is for a couple of feet. If you want to go say 25ft it will cost much more and you will likely have to buy even more expensive cable to avoid loss. You can not use tv coax or normal wire you will lose all the signal in less than a foot of cable. You are better off spending your money on a commercial antenna.

Those at least you know will work for sure. Microwave signals are extremely susceptible to the tiniest flaws. For the cost of the cables you can buy a antenna with a cable that will out perform anything you are going to build out of paper clips. There are many antennas for $15. For $50 you can get a antenna and all the electronics designed to be placed outdoors where it is wet. Why would anyone even think to try to built these themselves anymore.

Mostly these antenna are a waste of time to try to build you will get little or no advantage especially when you build them out of junk. How you connect them is the major flaw in the theory you can build your own antennas. First if that card is inside your laptop then you have no chance.

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Otherwise first you need a u.fl to? Jumper cable.

Then you need a piece of lmr400 microwave grade antenna cable. You will likely lose any increase in signal in the cable and the cables will likely cost you at least $15 and that is for a couple of feet.

If you want to go say 25ft it will cost much more and you will likely have to buy even more expensive cable to avoid loss. You can not use tv coax or normal wire you will lose all the signal in less than a foot of cable.

How to yagi antenna wifi

Yagi Antenna Wifi Diy

You are better off spending your money on a commercial antenna. Those at least you know will work for sure. Microwave signals are extremely susceptible to the tiniest flaws. For the cost of the cables you can buy a antenna with a cable that will out perform anything you are going to build out of paper clips. There are many antennas for $15. For $50 you can get a antenna and all the electronics designed to be placed outdoors where it is wet.

Why would anyone even think to try to built these themselves anymore. Some people don't have $50 to spend on an antenna. Whats wrong with DIY spirit? You learn a lot more from building than buying.

Build Yagi Antenna Wifi Diy Schematics Diagrams


It is more fun. You learn about radio (a dying art) I could continue on for a while, but I think you get the point.