Xampp Index.php File Download
Install Php Xampp
Alternative, once XAMPP is installed use the Moodle link and allow Bitnami to download a current version and start the free install for you. Go to apachefriends.org and download XAMPP for Windows. This example assumes that you have downloaded the “Installer” package. There are several XAMPP packages to download. So my PHP project is causing localhost as well as localhost/project/ is downloading the index.php for the project rather than loading it, it downloads it as download.here is the download file: Index.php - Define the directories. DS, DIRECTORYSEPARATOR = /. ROOT, dirname = string containing the path of a file or directory. FILE = The full path and filename of the file.
Xampp Index.php File Download Free
I am using for Linux, but when I try to open a file saved in a folder saved in home directory, the browser downloads the PHP file instead of displaying it. What could be the problem? XAMPP Status is: Component Status Hint MySQL database ACTIVATED PHP ACTIVATED Perl ACTIVATED Common Gateway Interface (CGI) ACTIVATED Server Side Includes (SSI) ACTIVATED PHP extension »OPcache« DEACTIVATED See FAQ PHP extension »OCI8/Oracle« ACTIVATED Some changes to the configuration sometime may cause false negative status reports.
Xampp Index.php File Download Windows 10
What could be a possible solution?