Save Data Suikoden 1 Psx Torrent
Also, i'm in the process of figuring out how to get suikoden 1 save data loaded in suikoden 2 with the emulator, so if you have a problem with that be sure to either post or pm me, or if you have a solution of course. Thanks again. Suikoden Ii Manual Pdf. If there is saved data on the card. Suikoden - Manual - PSX. I saw an old thread where a a guy posted his Suikoden 2 save data which he played. Suikoden 2 ePSXe Save Data. It seems recognized it as a PSX. Gw kan pengen download save games file buat emulator psx. 1 UMD/PSN Digital Download: Data Transfer.
Suikoden 1 Characters Rune
I'm playing SII on epsxe (used deamon tools, cos' my file didn't work the normal way - mdf and mds files from emuparadise bittorrent section). Everything works perfectly now, as far as I noticed, but I have problems in getting the game to detect the Suikoden I savestate (downloaded from gamefaqs in.GME format). What should I do for this to work?
Suikoden 1 Rom
Is it possible? If it is not, please tell me if there are cheats for triggering this event later in the game and how to apply them (I'm a newbie ).
I searched for it, but haven't found. Thanks for any replies! Sorry for my english, if i did any mistakes. OK, it worked Here's what I did (for others seeking help on this): First I downloaded SOME of the savestates from gamefaqs, but they didn't seem to work. Then I had an idea (yay!) to set this savestate in epsxe as my memcard, but that didn't work either.
Then I got really mad and downloaded ALL savestates from gamefaqs - I set those, one by one, as my memcards. Guess what - TWO of them have worked! (last ones, that is why I didn't download them earlier). I have no idea why some states work and some don't.
Grammar expert plus crack. Maybe it has something to do with PAL/NTSC (I have NTSC S2, so the savestate from S1 should be from NTSC game too), but that's just my theory. The most important thing is that I CAN PLAY AND HAVE MCDOHL! Thank you all for help! I found that out yesterday, but I played so long that I didn't have time to post, that I succeeded.